How fast does a beard grow? How can you make the beard grow faster and fuller? The precise answer is different for every man. Still, some major beard growth factors include genetics, hormone levels, dietary habits, physical exercise, and the amount of rest one gets each day.
There are also many ways and products to boost your beard and help it look its best. In this article, we’ll cover the most significant factors that determine what your beard will look like, how to improve growth, and how to maintain it.
The thickness and the rate at which your beard will grow mostly depend on your genes. Some people are genetically predetermined to have a thick and full beard, while others might have scant facial growth. The level of testosterone doesn’t play a significant role if someone lacks a genetic predisposition to grow a full beard.
Typically, boys start growing their first facial hairs in their teens. Some go on to develop a full beard by the age of 18 or 19. On the other hand, some young men don’t develop a full beard until their mid-20s, while some never experience much growth at all.
If you’re young and trying to grow a beard for the first time, it pays to look at your father or other male relatives and see how thick and strong their beards are. That should be a good indicator of what you can expect.
Finally, genetics determine when your beard will start growing and how well it will develop. Your DNA also determines hair thickness and color, as well as the rate at which it will grow.
Even though they’re essential, genetics aren’t the only factor that determines beard thickness. Hormones also play a significant role here, especially testosterone. In men aged from 19 to 38, average testosterone levels go from 264 to 916 nanograms of hormone per deciliter of blood.
If your testosterone levels are lower than that, your beard might be on the scant side of the spectrum. To the extent that you might have trouble growing a full beard. You might also have hairless patches or even very little beard, to begin with.
In such cases, your doctor could well prescribe testosterone supplements. It’s crucial to consult your doctor first and refrain from administering hormone therapy on your own. If, on the other hand, your testosterone levels are in the standard range, testosterone supplements are very unlikely to help.
Other than testosterone, the amount of dihydrotestosterone in your blood can have a significant effect on your beard growth. If you have low levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), your beard is likely to be scarce, whereas if you have high levels of the hormone, you might develop a full beard sooner than many of your friends.
Given the fact that testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are natural hormones, you can increase their levels without supplements. Some methods include performing certain types of exercise, eating specific foods that will increase your energy levels and spur the production of hormones. Sleep and rest also play a significant role in hormone level regulation.
How to Grow a Beard
Beard growth is a concern for every man. Those who don’t want to grow a beard look for hassle-free ways to remove facial hair. On the other hand, those who want to grow their beards often look for ways to increase growth speed and hair thickness.
If you belong to the latter group, keep reading for useful tips on how to grow your beard. These tips apply to those growing their beards for the first time and veterans alike.
1. Foods You Eat
If you want to get the most out of your beard, you should pay close attention to what you eat every day. If your body lacks energy, it won’t have the resources to grow a beard to its full potential. Here are some foods that will keep your body strong and boost your beard growth.
Eggs are among the best foods to help your beard grow. They’re relatively affordable and offer plenty of proteins. Other than protein, eggs are also rich in zinc, calcium, and iron. All very important in keeping your body strong and healthy.
That said, the biggest benefit of including eggs in your diet is that they contain biotin, a compound that promotes hair growth and strength.
Similar to eggs, liver is rich in biotin and protein and will help your beard grow thicker and stronger. Other than that, liver is high in iron, which will boost your overall health.
Sweet Potatoes
While they don’t strengthen hair directly, sweet potatoes can boost overall cell growth, which also includes your beard. These veggies are rich in beta-carotene, which your body converts it to Vitamin A. Vitamin A, in turn, will boost cell growth across the board, including your facial hair.
Spinach contains high levels of potassium and magnesium, as well as iron and calcium. These minerals help hair and beard growth immensely.
The best thing about spinach is that you can eat it in many ways, including raw or sautéed. You can even make spinach smoothies and still reap all the benefits.
Other Foods to Consider
Other than the foods mentioned above, you might want to include the following into your diet. For example, avocados are rich in healthy fats, which can substantially promote beard growth and overall health. Also, you should incorporate fruits and veggies into your menu, as they’re rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. Salmon and chicken meat contain plenty of lean protein, while whole grains contain a lot of healthy carbs.
2. Supplements
Sometimes, it’s impossible to get all the necessary nutrients from the food you eat. For example, if you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you might lack protein. If you have to follow a specific dietary regime due to illness, you might lack some nutrients, as well.
That’s where food supplements and multivitamins step in. If you can’t get enough zinc and iron, consider buying those supplements. You can get them in a pharmacy or online, and they’re relatively affordable. If you need vitamins, you can also purchase multivitamins and include them in your diet.
Of course, it would be wise to consult your doctor before introducing supplements into your diet. Also, make sure to do thorough research to confirm that the supplement you opt for doesn’t have allergens and other dangerous ingredients.
If you’re following a specific diet, check if the supplement complies with its rules. For example, if you’re Jewish, go for supplements with a “kosher” badge, or a “halal” badge if you’re a Muslim. Vegans and vegetarians should check for traces of animal products and meat in their supplements.
3. Your Exercise Regimen
Regular exercise is healthy for your entire body, as well as your mind. But how does it boost beard growth? Physical activity increases your metabolism and helps maintain healthy levels of hormones in your system. In this case, we’re focusing on testosterone and DHT because they’re responsible for beard growth.
While any exercise will help, you should focus on exercises and training regimens that bring the best results. Many studies have proven that resistance training increases testosterone levels the most. If you’re a beginner, you should start with lower weights and work your way up over time.
You should try out different training routines and experiment with the time of the day when you exercise. Some guys prefer to work out in the morning, while others get the best results in the afternoon. Find a suitable combination and stick to it.
Another thing to consider here is that you’ll need an optimal percentage of body fat. If you’re too lean, your body might not be able to produce the extra testosterone you need. You should shoot for anything between eight and 14 percent. If you go slightly over, it won’t hurt your program.
4. Getting Sufficient Sleep
It might seem a bit counter-intuitive at first, but getting enough sleep is one of the best ways to help your beard grow to its maximum potential. Of course, it doesn’t boost hair growth directly, but it helps improve your overall physical and mental health, as well as regulate some essential processes in your body.
If you get plenty of sleep, your body will be able to recover the testosterone concentration to a healthy level. That’s because the majority of testosterone production happens while you sleep. If you have insomnia, sleep little, or suffer from sleep apnea, your body won’t be able to produce enough testosterone.
For healthy and unobstructed testosterone production, you’ll need seven hours of sleep or more every night. If you get eight or nine hours of sleep each night, that’s even better. Ample rest will also help your muscles recover and give you more energy for the next training.
A study published in 2011 found that healthy young men who sleep less than the recommended amount have lower levels of testosterone. Whilst a 1999 study found that testosterone levels in men peak at the beginning of the REM (rapid eye movement) phase and that they remain unchanged until they wake up.
Finally, it’s essential to notice that stress can significantly diminish the quality and quantity of sleep you get. Therefore, you should strive to eliminate as much stress from your life as possible.
Beard Maintenance & Growth
Giving your beard plenty of love and the proper maintenance is as crucial as helping it grow. There are plenty of products out there that can help you get the maximum performance out of your beard. Here are our recommendations.
Beard Oil
Using quality beard oil regularly will help your beard get that shine and smoothness. It will help retrain wayward hairs and help you achieve the contour you desire.
However, other than aesthetic benefits, quality beard oil will also bring you several health benefits. It will keep the skin beneath the beard well moisturized, preventing rash flair-ups, burning, and itching. Therefore, be sure to pick the oil that suits your skin type.
If you want powerful yet gentle beard growth oil, we recommend you take a look at our All-in-1 Premium Beard Oil. It contains 11 essential oils and Redensyl that can help you achieve a fuller, shinier look to your beard. Redensyl is a plant extract from Switzerland, specifically formulated to stimulate beard growth, hence making it a beard growth oil to grow beard faster than ever.
Finally, shea butter in this oil will smooth out the beard, while its non-sticky texture will help you with combing.
Beard Shampoo
A growing portion of men now realize that their beards need more than a trimmer and aftershave lotion to look their best. Some are starting to wash their beards with shampoo to make it softer and easier to sculpt and comb.
However, regular hair shampoo isn’t the best solution in this situation, as it likely won’t contain everything the beard needs to stay shiny and healthy. Some hair shampoos might even damage your beard.
If you want to wash your beard the right way, you need beard shampoo. To get the best out of your beard, we recommend our Premium Beard Shampoo. It will make your beard soft and smooth, remove dirt and other pollutants, and make your beard easier to shape and comb. It contains aloe vera and lavender oil and gives off a manly yet pleasant smell.
Creams and Conditioners
If you want to step up your beard maintenance game up a notch, you might consider using creams and conditioners. Similar to beard oils, creams and conditioners will help your beard shine and remain smooth as silk.
What’s even more important, they’ll protect the skin underneath the beard from itches, rashes, and inflammation. They’ll also help save your partner from potential irritation. You can apply them the same way you do oil, by rubbing and massaging the product into your beard and skin
When you decide to trim the hairs or shave the area you don’t want to grow, it will be a smoother, less painful process.
Brushing and Combing
Brushing and combing are essential if you want to promote beard growth. It keeps your beard orderly, cleans out any potential debris and dandruff, and also helps nourish your beard. How? Combing and brushing spread the oils that your skin produces, thus providing each hair with vital nutrients.
If you don’t comb your beard regularly, only the base of the hair will get what it needs. That might make your beard hairs more susceptible to breakages, and give you split ends.
Brushing is more aggressive than combing. Therefore, you should use it to distribute the oil down the hairs. On the other hand, use the comb for shaping and final touches.
More and more men are asking questions regarding beard growth and maintenance. Genetics and hormone levels do play prominent roles here, but you can take matters into your own hands with the tips offered in this article.
You can adjust your eating habits, exercise regimen, and get plenty of rest. Food supplements are also a viable way of getting the nutrients you’re lacking. Also, you can use beard oils, conditioners, and shampoos to provide your beard with adequate care. Finally, don’t forget to brush and comb it to help the natural oils reach the tips of your beard hairs.